AGV System Control

If Vehicles and Navigation are the arms and legs of an AGV system then, System Control is the heart. Arms and legs don’t work if the heart does not function well and that is equally true for AGV, AGC and AMR systems.

The System Control ‘heart’ of a Savant iQ-CAN™ AGV system is QSM system controller PC which runs the QSM and Vehicle Manager Programs. It monitors vehicle and system status, controls and continuously optimizes the system operation.

AGV System Control manages vehicle task assignments, traffic control movement, route selection, destination actions, and integration with other systems.

iQ-CAN™ Program Apps

iQ-CAN™ Program Apps visually configure the system path and path operation, model system configurations and changes before site implementation and provide real-time system monitoring. Unlike other technologies, no software coding is necessary because these apps are GUI-based, ‘shrink-wrapped’ software programs with integrated functionality.

The QSM Program executes site system control using the system configuration & model file generated by the iQ-CAN™ Program App.

The Vehicle Manager Program handles the AGV work assignments.

iQ-CAN™ Architecture

iQ-CAN™ system control architecture provides powerful functionality with user-friendly visual configurability. Because iQ-CAN™ technology is almost entirely virtual, systems can be expanded to any size (virtual path length/complexity, number of destinations and vehicles). Unlike other AGV technologies, iQ-CAN™ provides customers with virtually unlimited expansion and change capability so their systems can evolve and grow how and when they want, in logical phases.

iQ-CAN™ Layered Functionality

iQ-CAN™ System Control is designed to provide layered functionality allowing it to support simple to complex system requirements with  new  capabilities that can be added at any time.

  • Insures your base system investment allows both system expandability and higher levels of control functionality & interface.
  • Provides ‘re-usable’ asset benefits to support AGV standardization and fleet compatibility management strategy across multiple sites.